Project Runway 3 - Episode 12 (Finale Part 1)
Episode 12 - Finale (Part 1)
Yeah, I am just going to skip over episode 11 and the reunion episode because nothing much happened. So I am just going to skip directly to the first part of the finale. Also, I have been prettylazy busy so I did have to the change to recap them. Here's a summary of the episode.
Episode 11 - Michael, Laura, Jeffrey and Uli were vying for a the final three only to find out that there will be a final four this year. Happy Dance for All!
Reunion - Read Rich's recap at FourFour.
Now to the first part of the finale. Tim visits the homes of all the designers to get check on their progress, and to give them a back story that would make them seem sympathetic. They are to complete 12 looks for fashion week.

aka BraceFace.
Collection: The theme of his collection is "Street Safari".

He only has 3 looks completed and since it is mostly on paper, you can't see is point of view that well. But on paper, it looks good.
Back story: Alway had the support of his family. His dad feared him becoming a beautician.

Let us pray...

Collection: there is no theme, it is just what Laura has been doing on the show but on a more grand scale.

It looks good and she has all the designs done but still needs to fine tune them.
Back story: The girl is suffering. She only has an 8000 sq. ft. apartment in NYC.

She is living in squalor. On top of that, she is having another boy which would make 5. I don't know how they will they will fit in such a small space. We should setup a telethon for her.

Collection: She has a safari theme to her collection. No real innovation, simply a bunch of Uli designs.

Back story: I don't know who had it worst ...

Laura with 5 kids and her 8000 sq.ft. apartment OR Uli who grew up in East Germany. I think it's a toss up.

Collection: he says he was inspired by Japanese Ghost and Demon stories.

I don't really see that. I do see a lot of stripes and it looks very Vivienne Westwood.

Everything looks finely sewn and nothing looks like anything Punky Brewster would wear.
Back story: Alcohol, drugs and a suicide attempt.

His son Harrison is his saving grace.
Return to NY
Michael is the first to arrive.

Followed by Laura, who gently wakes ups Michael who is collapsed in bed.

How very "mom" of her.
Uli is greeted with hugs.

Jeffrey gets crap the minute he walks in the door.

"Jeffrey. Are people throwing eggs at you?"
Then hugs ... but by Laura

Laura is suspicious of Jeffrey collection because he doesn't have to do any alterations for his models. She brings this up to Michael and Uli, and they agree with what she is saying but not with fervidness of Laura.
They inspect his line and in shocked how well everything is put together.

Surprisingly (but not really), Tim walks in and asks Laura if she would like to speak in private.

She tells her feelings on Jeffrey's collection and just wanted to make her feelings known.
She then tells Jeffrey what she told Tim, but he doesn't really react the way I (or Laura) would expect him to.

He just has this shocked expression on his face and goes out on the balcony to sulk. Is he guilty? We will find out tonight.
Tim investigates the clothes.


I am not sure what to make of Jeffrey crying in the preview for tonight's show. It could be:
Yeah, I am just going to skip over episode 11 and the reunion episode because nothing much happened. So I am just going to skip directly to the first part of the finale. Also, I have been pretty
Episode 11 - Michael, Laura, Jeffrey and Uli were vying for a the final three only to find out that there will be a final four this year. Happy Dance for All!
Reunion - Read Rich's recap at FourFour.
Now to the first part of the finale. Tim visits the homes of all the designers to get check on their progress, and to give them a back story that would make them seem sympathetic. They are to complete 12 looks for fashion week.

Collection: The theme of his collection is "Street Safari".

He only has 3 looks completed and since it is mostly on paper, you can't see is point of view that well. But on paper, it looks good.
Back story: Alway had the support of his family. His dad feared him becoming a beautician.


Collection: there is no theme, it is just what Laura has been doing on the show but on a more grand scale.

It looks good and she has all the designs done but still needs to fine tune them.
Back story: The girl is suffering. She only has an 8000 sq. ft. apartment in NYC.

She is living in squalor. On top of that, she is having another boy which would make 5. I don't know how they will they will fit in such a small space. We should setup a telethon for her.

Collection: She has a safari theme to her collection. No real innovation, simply a bunch of Uli designs.

Back story: I don't know who had it worst ...

Laura with 5 kids and her 8000 sq.ft. apartment OR Uli who grew up in East Germany. I think it's a toss up.

Collection: he says he was inspired by Japanese Ghost and Demon stories.

I don't really see that. I do see a lot of stripes and it looks very Vivienne Westwood.

Everything looks finely sewn and nothing looks like anything Punky Brewster would wear.
Back story: Alcohol, drugs and a suicide attempt.

His son Harrison is his saving grace.
Return to NY
Michael is the first to arrive.

Followed by Laura, who gently wakes ups Michael who is collapsed in bed.

How very "mom" of her.
Uli is greeted with hugs.

Jeffrey gets crap the minute he walks in the door.

Then hugs ... but by Laura

Laura is suspicious of Jeffrey collection because he doesn't have to do any alterations for his models. She brings this up to Michael and Uli, and they agree with what she is saying but not with fervidness of Laura.
They inspect his line and in shocked how well everything is put together.

Surprisingly (but not really), Tim walks in and asks Laura if she would like to speak in private.

She tells her feelings on Jeffrey's collection and just wanted to make her feelings known.
She then tells Jeffrey what she told Tim, but he doesn't really react the way I (or Laura) would expect him to.

He just has this shocked expression on his face and goes out on the balcony to sulk. Is he guilty? We will find out tonight.
Tim investigates the clothes.


I am not sure what to make of Jeffrey crying in the preview for tonight's show. It could be:
- that it was found one or more of his garments were disqualified.
- that he will not eligible to win because of the disqualification.
- that he has been vindicated. (but why would he cry?)
Labels: project runway, Project Runway 3