Saturday, June 30, 2007

iPhone: I Caved

After my post about not getting an iPhone, I ended up getting one this morning.

I saw that the iPhone was still available at my local Apple Store and they opened at 9 am today. I walked over at 8:50 and was the 8th person in line at 8:57. I got the phone in about 10 minutes.

I have to say that I am quite impressed with the iPhone thus far. I will test it out for 14 days and see whether I should keep it. I have 30 days to cancel the AT&T contract without penalty.I will do a full review when I get home later...maybe.

Sent from my iPhone

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Television: House

Last night, I finished the entire first season of House on DVD. This show has been in my Netflix queue for a couple of months and I finally made time to watch the show.

I remember being asked if I watched this show my by best-friend's mother in 2004. When I told her that I wasn't a viewer, she was adamant that I watch the show because their entire family was hooked on it. I wasn't really interested in watching, so I didn't ... until this past February when I happened to catch an episode while flipping through the channels. One episode lead to three, and I was now hooked.

The show to me seems to be a mix of ER, CSI, and Scrubs. It's dramatic with scenes of doctors trying to save the lives of patients; it's investigative when diagnosing illness with splashy 3-D effects; and it is humorous. I think the humor of the show is the key component that makes it work. Without it, it was just be another doctor show.

If you have seen it the show, I you must rent it. The show is so good that I have already added a season pass on my TiVo.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Apple iPhone: I Think I Will Wait

Until today, there was no information regarding the rate plans or the activation fees for the iPhone. Below are said fees:

I was really considering getting an iPhone this Friday when the product launches. My plan was to get the phone and test it out for a couple of weeks, and then return it if I didn't like it. I recently found out that there is a $175 termination fee to do this, so it's not cost effective to do this.

I really don't to switch from Sprint to AT&T because I've been hearing that their network (EDGE) is inferior to Sprint's network. Also, my Sprint bill roughly $35 per month and it took a call to sprint last year to get this deal, so I really don't want to lose it. AT&T called me a couple of months ago trying to get me to switch, but the new iPlan is firm and has not room for wiggle room.

Hopefully the Apple Store a couple of blocks from my apartment will get an iPhone that a potential buyer could actually touch and then determine whether or not it is the right device for them. Then, who knows? But more than likely I will wait for a year and let me Sprint contract run out and then see if the iPhone is for me.

I will save my money for the new iMac I'll buy when Mac OS X: Leopard comes out in October. I will probably get more use out of the iMac then the iPhone ... and the in the long run, the iMac is cheaper.

Who's getting an iPhone? Leave a comment.


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Saturday, June 23, 2007

My N-Word Issue

So I was playing tennis with someone I have known for a while. When he said something that did really bother me at first, but I brought it to his attention.

What did he say? He said the n-word, ending with an 'a'. It wasn't directed toward me, but that doesn't really matter. It was said in my presence.

I asked why he dropped the n-bomb, only for him to say that he had black friends so I shouldn't worry about. Really? I told him that didn't matter. Then he said his friend was blacker than me AND he was blacker than me, which was suppose to make it okay. Oh, did I mention that the guy is from Albania? We finished the match and even though I was not happy about the situation and decided to let it drop because I didn't want to make a scene.

I am not sure what to be more offended by: the n-word or the person who uttered the word (who is not black) claims to be more black than I am?

The level of blackness remark hurts the most. Because I don't fit the stereotype of a black male does not make me any less black. I have friends, and hang out with people of all racist, so I have never before had this issue come up. And it really hurts. I don't use the n-word, I don't allow the n-word to be applied to me (by any race), and I just don't tolerate it in general.

I am going to have to pull this guy aside at tennis tomorrow and have chat with him.

Here a clip of Big Brother 8 UK where the n-bomb was dropped:

The Emily was wrong for saying it, and the look on her face immediately afterwards knew it was wrong. Charlie (the black girl) was wrong for applying the word to herself.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Experiment

I saw those really catchy ads (see below) on television how people were rejected by eHarmony for what ever reason. Someone I know told me and a few others about a personality test that uses to help match people. It piqued my interest and I decided to sign up and give it a try. I was/am not looking for someone to date, so it was more for informational purposes. Really ... it was for research. Shut up!

After 30 minutes of answering questions, setting my preferences and taking a couple of tests, Here's what I learned about myself:

You are a NEGOTIATOR/builder:

You care about the big picture. You are comfortable with large, ambiguous issues. You carefully weigh all of the variables involved, and regularly come up with imaginative solutions to complex problems.

You are friendly and humane. You have a big heart; you tend to trust people and sympathize with them easily. You want to make others happy and self-confident. So you work to build supportive networks among friends and kin.

Your empathy and kindness spill over into a desire to make the world a better place. And with your resilience and creativity, your ability to do many things at the same time, and your cleverness with words, you can be remarkably effective at improving the lives of others.

You are ambitious for your family and friends, but not always for yourself. You like an environment of sharing and consensus and you enjoy working in teams and planning long term.

You tend to be socially well-adjusted and skilled at inspiring others to reach their goals. So you are an empathetic and engaging companion.

I tend to agree with their assessment ... except for being socially well-adjusted, because I am damn near afraid of conversing with new people. I have come a long way since my move from NY to TX, but I am still a work in progress. I decided to give the website 2 weeks to see if would accurate in finding a potential match for me. The results were not great.

The site sends you 5 matches per day and you have to decide whether you have "no interest" or a "high interest" in the people that are chosen for you. If you have an abundance of "no interest" in the selections the system is suppose to automatically adjust to find more suitable matches. In theory that sounds great, but it never actually worked for me. All my matches were not looking for someone like me, mainly Black males. I was frequently matched up with people looking for every other race besides "Black or African-American." I wondered why I was being matched up with someone who isn't looking for my ethnic background, so I decided to send a message to's customer service.

I signed up on June 2, 2007 and I have a question regarding the potential matches. Is there a reason why I am being matched with people not looking for my ethnic group? With numerous pages of questions to survey my personality to find a compatible match, the majority of the matches sent to me are not looking for African-American males. I know it may seem discriminatory, but why can't these people be removed from my matches?

A day later, this I got this email in response to my inquiry:

Thanks for your question about matching at Chemistry. We hope that this email gives you the information you need.

How does advanced matching work? Our system uses two criteria in selecting matches for you: personality type and matching preferences.

Personality type: We look for members whose personality types are compatible with your own.

Matching preferences:Our system also considers your preferences regarding age, location, ethnicity, etc.

Each match is a combination of these two criteria: some matches will be of a highly compatible personality type but may not meet all of your preferences, while others will meet all your preferences but their personality type may not be the most compatible with yours.

Learning about you along the way. Our system learns about you through your feedback as you use the site and refines the matching criteria over time to bring you more of the matches you like.

Want to adjust your matching criteria? Click Chemistry to return to the site and change your preferences.

So I guess is all about personality and doesn't really factor in race, which as much as we try to be PC, is a big factor in find someone to date. For me, I don't care about a person's ethnic background, but some people do. The email suggested that I change my settings to fix my problem, but there is no option to only find matches looking for your ethnic background. You can only select the ethnicities you are looking for, but not the other way around.

Does the mean the site is worthless?

Not necessarily because from the matches that were gathered I was interested in about 30% of them, so it worked in that respect. But those I were interested in were not be interested in my ethnic background. I think the system for selecting matches should be adjusted to only gather results from the user defined ethnic groups, and then further match the results based on personality. It could only bolster the companies success because people are getting what they want.

In my case, I think the current system doesn't work for me because of my location. I am an area where White men are looking for Latino or other White men; Latino men are looking for White or other Latino men; and the majority of Black men are looking for White or Latino men. If I were in Atlanta, DC/Maryland, or NYC areas I the people whom I am matched with would be more suited for me. I could test this theory but creating other account in different areas of the US ... but I don't want waste anyone time ... and I am lazy, so forget it.

If anyone reading has used or is using what is/was your experience?


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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Random: I Look Like Who?

I forgot my ID card for my company's parking garage so after work I had to go to the parking attendant and fill out a form so I could out. After I said hello the attendant asked if I ever watched a show on Lifetime called Army Wives. I told her no, because it is on Lifetime and I don't watch television for women -- I only thought that last part. She proceeded to tell me that I looked exactly like one of the stars of the show. She told me I should check it out and see for myself.

When I got home I logged onto the website for the show, and saw this:

He is not a bad looking guy, but I know I don't look like him. The only similarity that we have is that our faces are kind of round. Other than, we have nothing in common. I recognize the actor, Sterling K. Brown, from a show that used to air on FX called Starved. A show about anorexia and bulimia ... yes, it was a comedy.

For those who know me, does this guy look like me? I know my abs are more defined, so overlook that minor detail.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Television: Finale Round-Up

The Office

Like a lot of season finales, you have to sit through a bunch of crap until the last five minutes when a big reveal pulls you back in. For The Office, it was Jim realizing how he felt about Pam and asked her out on a date. They have been building this tension up for the last three seasons and they kissed for the finale of season 2. But could the coupling of Jim and Pam be happening a bit too soon? I think by series finale of The Office, they will breakup at least once before getting married. I will stick around for the next season to see how this progresses. But I don't think I will make through season 4 unless they alter the Michael character.

It is hard to believe that a guy this clueless can function in "normal" society. There have been glimpses of him being good at his job, but not enough to make him competent at managing others. Season 1 he was more awkward and trying to fit in with everyone; now he is just dominating and boorish. Maybe I have been spoiled by the original UK version of the show which made David Brent (who the Michael character is based upon) as a multi-dimensional character. Yes, he could be rude and make people uncomfortable but David Brent seemed remorseful afterwards because he realized what he did may have been rude. I don't know if it just Ricky Gervais' acting and writing abilities or just the British sensibilities of the show.

If Michael isn't reigned in a bit in the upcoming season, I may just have to stop watching.


I may be in the minority, but I didn't think the finale to heroes was all that great. I stopped watching in February, but realized that I put too much time into this show to not see it through to the finale. I watch the seven episodes I missed the weekend before the finale and I feel that I wasted my time. The "Five Years Later" episode was by far the best episode of season one. Why couldn't that be the finale?

I mean, the final battle between Peter and Sylar was so lame. No powers were used and it was just Peter punching Sylar, with a little help from Nikki with a parking meter, until Sylar is stabbed by Hiro.

Sylar has all these powers, yet he stands there and watches Hiro run about 15 feet with a sword, and just stands there while it plunges into his chest. Really?

Sylar is dead(?) and Peter loses his ability to control his powers. Claire is suppose to kill him before he goes nuclear, but Nathan comes to save the day flies him up the atmosphere where is explodes.

Why couldn't Peter do this on his own? Can he not use more than one power at the same time? I am sure that Nathan did not perish during this and most likely flew away before Peter exploded. And Peter can regenerate, so I probably fine as well. Hiro on the other hand is in ancient Japan:

Is Sylar dead, or was he taken and eaten by someone more powerful than him? I guess we have to tune into volume 2 to find out.

I will watch next season to season exactly what happens, but I have a feeling that I will tune out by episode 5. There were far too many characters in this show to follow and too many episodes for this season. I there were 15 tight episodes instead of 23, I wouldn't have gotten bored and tuned out half way through. Hopefully they will work all the kinks out before the next season because this think this show has a lot of potential. My suggestion: get rid of most of this cast (keeping Hiro, Claire, and Peter) and introduce a new Heroes each season.

But that is just my opinion.

Brothers & Sisters

I thought the finale was done really well. It was kind of sad, but not a total downer. It was very fitting how they ended with the family having fun in the pool. The first episode ended with the father/husband having a heart attack and falling into the pool before dying, so its one of those full circle finales.

The most interesting moment of episode was the revelation about Saul. Saul was informed that his friend, Milo Peterman, whom he hadn't spoken to in years was coming to Kitty's (Calista Flockheart) engagement party. Before it was explicitly said, I knew Milo had some kind of romantic affair with Saul. How did I know?: Saul referred to Milo's ex-wife as a "bitch" (which is totally gay), Milo talk about their trip to the Florida Keys (homo central), and Milo asked if Saul was still a "bachelor." Milo came out to Saul, who unfortunately turned down his advances, claiming that he put his time with Milo in the past. Hopefully this will be explored further in the next season.

I think this was one of the best new show of the season. I didn't watch it when it first premiered. It was only when someone I know recommended the show I started to watch. Any show that can get Sally Field to cry at least once per episode is must see viewing. Add in a mistress, an illegitimate child, a junky Iraq war soldier, a philandering husband, and gayness ... and it is a hit show.

If you haven't seen the show, check it out on and watch the second season when it debuts in the fall.

Law and Order: SVU

The season 8 finale was the continuation of a storyline from season 7. Darius, played Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, murdered a woman and her child because he perceived the mother to be a terrible parent. It was revealed that his aunt, Detective Fin's (Ice T) ex-wife Teresa, played by Lisa Gay Hamilton, was actually his mother. It was a secret the family kept hidden for years. As payback, Darius was going to publicly humiliate them during his trial. Got all that? ... good.

Star "I'm a lawyer, who is also married to a gay man" Jones Reynolds and Nancy "Crazy Eyes and Bad Hair" Grace made guest appearances.

A lot of stuff was revealed: Teresa was raped by her father and forced to have Darius, Elliott's daughter was re-arrested after she was freed from jail for DUI he used his status as a cop to free her, Olivia was taking in for questioning after she help aid and abed her half-brother who was being investigated as a serial rapist. A lot o stuff happened this season.

This was the best moment of the episode:

She is the wife of Elliott Stabler, and just by this look alone I knew what was going to happen. I was like, "OMG, she is pregnant!" And she was. So any guys with wives or girlfriends ... if they come to your job unannounced with this look on their face, they're pregnant. Or they could be leaving you for someone else. Either way, it is not good news.

The next season should be interesting because they are adding a new character, Detective Chester Lake, played by Adam Beach. I didn't like him when he did a guest starring episode this past season, but maybe I will warm up to him.

The 2006-2007 TV season was pretty good overall.

I added a few new shows to the regular television viewing schedule: 30 Rock (NBC), Dexter (Showtime), Ugly Betty (ABC), and The View (ABC).

I also lost a few shows this season: The View (because Rosie left early), Desperate Housewives (ABC), Smallville (CW) and Lost (ABC).

I am looking forward to see The Bionic Woman (NBC) during the 2007 - 2008 and the return of Project Runway (Bravo). All the show are in reruns because it is summer, so I guess I will be spending more time outside instead of sitting on my couch.

Yeah right! Big Brother is starting in July, so I will be glued to the show and all of the Internet gossip surrounding it. But unfortunately, there will be no Kaysar.

He was a stupid Big Brother contestant, but he sure was great eye candy.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Tale of Two Voicemails

Starting on Tuesday, June 12th ...

Voicemail #1 - It was an ex that returning my call from 1.5 weeks ago. He is doing well, and he wants to get together and catch up.

I called him, after not speaking to him for a year, because some people I know brought him up in a conversation we were having and began to grill me about his where abouts. They put two and two together and they realized we dated in the past. Without getting into many details I vaguely explained why I cut of contact with him. After my explanation I was asked, "... you're the type of person to hold a grudge?" I immediately said was wasn't, but I had this nagging thought that maybe I was.

After thinking about it for a couple of hours, I couldn't really figured out why I wasn't talking to him. So I left him a voicemail before I went to sleep, and rambled on for a couple of minutes. I am not even sure what I said -- sleepiness is my equivalent to drunk dialing. I have to call him back today and try together this week.

Voicemails #2 & 3 - The Greek called and left me a couple of frantic voicemails. I was playing tennis, so I didn't get them until I got home. I called him and he wanted me to come over to his place because he had to tell me something that could be said over the phone. I tried to probe for more answers, but he was impatient and wanted to know if I was coming or not. Ten minutes later ... I am at his house and he and his friend was on the couch engaged in conversation.

I told him to spit out the reason why I was summoned with such urgency.

One word: cancer.

He went to get a new prescription for eyeglasses and they saw something on his retina that required him to see a specialist. Since he is doctor (a pathologist) he was sure it was ocular melanoma. I didn't say much because I didn't know what to say. He was talking to me like he was dying the following day, but in reality there wasn't a confirmed diagnosis. He knows too much about cancers because of his profession and as a result, he was going into an emotional tale spin. He had an appointment the next day so I told him just to relax, don't do anything rash, and just wait to talk to the specialist.

Today, he let me know everything was fine and it was just a common issue with the vitreous that nearsighted people may get.

So he is well, and back on track for his big move to Australia in a couple of weeks.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Television: The Sopranos Finale

I will start with the most recent finale considering that it is on the minds of people who love or hate it. And from what I have been reading, most people hated the Sunday's finale. I convinced myself that there would be multiple whackings for the finale, because the second to last episode set this possible ending.

To be honest, I didn't see how it ended until the morning after because my TiVo cut out 5 minutes early. After screaming "NOOO!!" before what I thought would be the whacking of Tony and/or his family, I recorded the encore presentation of the finale. When I finally saw it, I got worried that my TiVo crapped out again when the screen faded to black ... but then were credits. And, the end. At first I didn't know what to think, but after some thought I feel that the show ended perfectly.

I am still reeling from the murder (assisted suicide?) of Chris Moltisonti. But I will eventually get over it.

I wish I were more eloquent, but I noticed how everyone seemed to evolve and devolve back to their normal selves by the end of the finale:

Carmela: to crying over a defective house she built with her dad might collapse and kill a young family, to feeling content to continue her real estate endeavors with house that might be toxic and has a funny smell.

AJ: from a bratty, spoiled kid ... to all emo after the breakup of Latina girlfriend Blanca (which was funny because no one really liked that he was dating a non-Italian, yet her name was literally 'white') ... back to a more grown-up spoiled, (slightly less) bratty kid with an underage girlfriend. I guess the cures to depression are statutory rape and a new BMW.

Tony: To a man who found enlightenment twice about his life in "sanitation" (while in a coma and then while high on peyote) is now back to looking over his shoulder to see who might be a threat to him or the family.

After all his years in therapy with Dr. Melfi he has finally realized how messed up he actually is and starts to how he and Janice are so much alike. Which he hates. Even more so after Carmela told him that the "Soprano curse" is the reason why AJ is so messed up, because no one in her family has mental issues.

Meadow: Who? She was barely in this season. All I remember of her is that she can't parallel park. And I can related because I can't either.

I have seen worse season finales -- the finales for Friends, Queer As Folk, Will and Grace, and The Practice come to mind -- and I feel this one was top notch. It didn't neatly wrap everything up with a bow and it allowed the characters to continue to live on like it was any other day. There was no big event that altered their lives, thereby changing the core of who they are.

I think the sudden fade to black was meant to cause panic among the viewers and to have them have a moment to reflect on how caught up in the life of characters on a TV show. The easy way out was to have an all out battle and see who would be the last Boss left to rule the families. There are more things to life than blood and violence. For example: onion rings.

Onion rings ... some people love them, and some hate them.

Onion Rings = The Sopranos Finale

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekend Full of Tennis

I had a tennis tournament in Richardson, Texas, which lasted from this past Friday and ended Sunday. My first round match I had to play someone I know from my tennis club. For some reason I was nervous about playing him, even though I am undefeated against him. I ended up beating him 6-0, 6-1. After that, I began to calm down and was more relaxed in my other rounds. I ended up winning the tournament.

I should have won the tournament considering that it was in Richardson and tennis courts were on Syracuse drive. I mean, really. It was like I ordained to win this tournament. My final round I won 6-4, 6-3. It was so humid outside that you could wring sweat from my dri-fit shirt. But in the end I pulled out another win.

I have another tournament coming weekend and I decided to play a level higher. Mostly because I have some friends how are playing in the same tournament who are in the same level as I am, but I don't want to play them because I can definitely beat them and I want them to get far in the tournament. I've been criticized by people saying I should play in a higher level, but it comes from those I've beaten. So I am not sure how to process their suggestion. I have been beaten in two tournament so far this year, so I am not beating everyone, which suggests that I am in the correct division.

Sour grapes, maybe? I don't know ... moving on.

This past weekend were the French Open Finals.

As I predicted, Justine Henin won the Women's final against Ana Ivanovic. The match could have been good if Ana didn't get nervous. But it ended up being a total bore.

And, sadly, Rafael Nadal beat my boyfriend Roger Federer for the second straight French Open final. It looked like he was on the verge of tears because this was the third year that Nadal denied him his place in tennis history.

Don't fret, Roger, there is always next year. Focus on winning your 5th Wimbledon title.

Rafael Nadal, Gustavo Kuerten, Roger Federer

It was good to see Gustavo Kuerten at the tournament. He has been plagued with hip problems for a couple of years so ranking has fallen. I hope to see him back in action soon.


Edited: Take a look at this frisky woman touching Nadal's butt after the French Open

By the pimp hand her husband is displaying, he wasn't happy about her copping a feel.

[photo credits: Yahoo! Sports, AFP, Getty Images]

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Funny ... or Sad?

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Enjoy This F***ing Video!


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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Is That Ironic?

I have been watching the Tennis Channel enjoying the French Open. There was a commercial for Bullfrog, which is a sunscreen/bug repellent and I figured that I should pick some up because the bugs are eating me alive during tennis. The bugs are really coming out due to all of the rain Dallas has been getting.

Today before work, I headed to Wal-Mart to pick up some Bullfrog. After looking through all of the types I decided not to get it because I figured that mosquitoes weren't bad enough for bug repellent. I ended up getting some Oil Free Coppertone SPF 50 with Broad Spectrum UVA/UBA protection, because even a black people need to protect their skin. I was on the verge of burning a couple of weeks ago because I forgot to put on sunscreen, and that's not good.

I went to the self-checkout register, paid and left the store. I was about 5 feet out the store when a mosquito landed on my neck, and bit me.

Is that ironic?

Well, is it ... because I am not sure if i am apply the word 'ironic' properly. Would is this be more of a coincidence? Thanks to Alanis Morrisette I lost all meaning of the word.

off topic:

Maybe I should ask Marius -- because he is brainy and he loves Alanis. Just kidding ... he hates her. We had a heated exchange about Alanis, but I can't remember where. It was either when we went to the Toronto Gay Pride Parade (pictures) in 2004, or at a Record Theater in Buffalo. I can't remember ... a little help, please?

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Friday, June 1, 2007


Don't let another R&B chick be a victim. Click here to learn more.

[source: Toya's World]

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Big Brother 8 (UK): No Boys Allowed .... yet

Since I was seriously addicted to Big Brother UK last year, I was excited to when BBUK 8 started a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, the big twist year turned me off.

The big twist ... all female house mates.

I am sorry, but women on reality shows are not fun to watch. They never seems to band together and it ultimately becomes their undoing. Too much catty drama for me. One male house mate will enter the house soon and it will surely cause all the girls fight over him.

Another reason I won't be watching is due to the new layout of the house. The refrigerator is in the backyard and the oven is in the main sleeping quarters. Huh? I guess that is ... interesting?

Oh well. I guess I have to get my Big Brother fix when the US version starts on July 5, 2007.

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