Big Brother 8 (UK): No Boys Allowed .... yet

Since I was seriously addicted to Big Brother UK last year, I was excited to when BBUK 8 started a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, the big twist year turned me off.
The big twist ... all female house mates.
I am sorry, but women on reality shows are not fun to watch. They never seems to band together and it ultimately becomes their undoing. Too much catty drama for me. One male house mate will enter the house soon and it will surely cause all the girls fight over him.
Another reason I won't be watching is due to the new layout of the house. The refrigerator is in the backyard and the oven is in the main sleeping quarters. Huh? I guess that is ... interesting?
Oh well. I guess I have to get my Big Brother fix when the US version starts on July 5, 2007.
Labels: big brother, television
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