Intruder Alert?

In a mad rush out the door, being 10 late for work, I put my key in the door to lock it only to have it not fit. I thought I was using the wrong key, but I confirmed that it was the second key from the key I use for my mailbox, yet it still wouldn't fit into the lock. Looking closer at the lock, it seems as though someone tried to jimmy the lock. I have multiple locks, so I am not sure if the person made it through the first lock while I was sleeping. This worries me because I don't think this is the first attempt by someone trying to access my apartment.
A couple of weeks ago, I heard my doorknob rattle while drifting off to sleep. I thought it was all in my mind but I now think it actually happened. The area I live in is really safe and I haven't heard of any type of force entries in my area. There are general reports of car break-ins but that normal for my area since I am 1/2 mile from a college.
I will have to call and get my locks replaced and add a few more locks, just as a precaution. I have been thinking about moving this fall, but this all depended on me getting the new job.
Now I feel bad for laughing at the silly ADT commercials with the overly hysterical women. I think I might call them now.
Labels: drama
Comments on "Intruder Alert?"
Just make sure you stay safe - and get Lalo to replace the locks! I'm glad you're OK.