Ring the Alarm

Friday the 13th is never a good day. But the past Friday exceeded all my fears of this dreaded day.
I was finishing a few tasks for work and noticed that it was a bright and sunny day. I feared that the weather would be horrible considering that morning's forecast predicted tornadoes. Seriously. Living in central and western NY (cities that are not having great weather at the moment) the harshest weather forecast I ever saw was for the possibility for severe thunderstorms. The fact that the local NBC station had a little animated twirling tornado weather made me chuckle a bit, before the fear settled in.
After seeing the sunny, I thought, once again the weather people don't know what the hell they are talking about. I finished up my work tasks and began to pack up my things to leave when I looked out of the window and saw it was now pitch black outside. I canceled my plans to play tennis and decided to head home. I stopped by the local Kroger to get an onion, a green pepper, and some ice cream. When I arrived home I heard a loud whirling noise which sounded like a vacuum cleaner. The sky was now partly cloudy and I regretted not playing tennis. The whirling continued as I entered my apartment. Still not knowing what the sound was I dropped my work bag and groceries in the kitchen and I made my way to the living to watch The View. I turned on the TV to see that all hell was breaking loose.
The same weather woman from that morning was telling viewer to get in a safe because tornadoes have been spotted and they were heading for my area. The noise I was hearing was a Tornado Warning Siren which sounds when a tornado is spotted in Dallas county. I got scared, so I began to plot my escape route. My original plan was to hide underneath my stairs before deciding to that the mall was the best place to go.
Long story short, I never made it to the mall and my area was spared by the storm. I ended up calling a friend of mine and we talked on the phone for over an hour.
So I guess the moral to the story is: weather people actually know what the hell they are talking about.
Labels: drama
Comments on "Ring the Alarm"
I'm glad you're alive and well. Listen to the weather people.