
I finally paid my taxes yesterday to beat the deadline. I actually completed my taxes in February but didn't file them when I found out I owed some money to the government. I decided to delay paying the FEDS until the last possible moment. I got some points by putting it the charge on my credit card, so at least I got something in return.
I am thinking about refiling my taxes for the 2003, 2004, and 2005 because there were some deductions I didn't take advantage of. I think I missed out on refund amounts totaling $1000. I will probably look over the amounts this weekend and see if it worth completed that tedious 1040X form. If the amount of the refund is enough to get the new Series 3 HD TiVo, it would work it. has this TiVo with as $170 rebate and it will bring the total cost from $799 plus tax (via to $459 w/ no sales tax and free shipping.
I will probably get it in June when my 1 year contract expires for my Series 2 Dual Tuner Tivo. If I get it, I would be the owner of 3 TiVos. More than likely I would take TiVo #1 offline to make room for TiVo #3. I think I might sell it on eBay or hack into for fun.
Comments on "theIRS"
I submitted my U.S. and Canadian taxes today (I'm 2 weeks early with the Canadian ones) ... but what a pain - the Canadian were 43 pages of explanations about U.S. income - and the U.S. were long too - Congrats on getting it done!