Misquoted: Cameron Diaz

I begin my morning by reading my list blog RSS feeds, and I saw this on kenneth in the (212):
Popular: How embarrassing was Cameron Diaz on the "Today Show"?It was followed by a link to TMZ.com and contained a short clip of Cameron Diaz being in interviewed on the Today Show. Here is the post:
Cameron Diaz says that all the world's like high school -- and that celebs are the "popular kids" that everyone is just dying to know about. Good to know that Cam doesn't have a shrek of humility.
On the "Today" show this morning, Meredith Vieira just had to go there, asking Diaz what it was like to be on the same red carpet for the "Shrek the Third" premiere -- and share a kiss (on the cheek) with ex-beau and co-star Justin Timberlake. "We're friends, so we're OK," said Diaz. "All you want is that the person you care about to be happy ... It's like high school. We're like the popular kids. Everybody wants to know what happens to us."
...Until you reveal yourself to be just a little bit full of yourself. (source)
Now if you just read the article Cameron Diaz seems to be conceited, but viewing the video shows something completely different. The actual quote was:
"...It's like high school, isn't it? [laughs] We as celebrities are sort of like the 'popular kids' that everybody wants to know our business. So, you know, people make a big deal out of it, but it's really not a big deal at all."
To completely misconstrue someone's statement in order to demean, on a site dedicated to celebrity gossip, and to post a video that contradicts the entire article seems to be irresponsible. Don't get me wrong, I love me some celebrity gossip. But at the end of the day, it is just that ... gossip.
Comments on "Misquoted: Cameron Diaz"
Your gossip exposure reminds me of college kids who write papers and quote sources in just the right way to support their ideas.
Here’s an example of a manipulated quote:
"This beginning portion of the quote supports my paper ...lets leave out the part of the quote that conflicts with my paper... and come back with the rest of the quote that continues to support my paper."
If no one’s investigating they can get away with murder. It not only happens in education, as you see it happens in the media. It's good to see that there are people out there not taking any type of print as truth.