Apple iPhone: I Think I Will Wait

Until today, there was no information regarding the rate plans or the activation fees for the iPhone. Below are said fees:

I was really considering getting an iPhone this Friday when the product launches. My plan was to get the phone and test it out for a couple of weeks, and then return it if I didn't like it. I recently found out that there is a $175 termination fee to do this, so it's not cost effective to do this.
I really don't to switch from Sprint to AT&T because I've been hearing that their network (EDGE) is inferior to Sprint's network. Also, my Sprint bill roughly $35 per month and it took a call to sprint last year to get this deal, so I really don't want to lose it. AT&T called me a couple of months ago trying to get me to switch, but the new iPlan is firm and has not room for wiggle room.
Hopefully the Apple Store a couple of blocks from my apartment will get an iPhone that a potential buyer could actually touch and then determine whether or not it is the right device for them. Then, who knows? But more than likely I will wait for a year and let me Sprint contract run out and then see if the iPhone is for me.
I will save my money for the new iMac I'll buy when Mac OS X: Leopard comes out in October. I will probably get more use out of the iMac then the iPhone ... and the in the long run, the iMac is cheaper.
Who's getting an iPhone? Leave a comment.
Comments on "Apple iPhone: I Think I Will Wait"
I'm not ... are you surprised? (actually, I have an excuse, there is no anounced carrier in Canada yet, and no indication of when iphone will be available) I didn't need an excuse.