Project Runway 3 - Episode 6
Episode 6 - Waste Not, Want Not
The week's challenge was to create a garment with materials retrieved from a recycling facility. This challenge reminds me of the first challenge in season 1 where they had to make a garment using items purchased from a grocery store. You have to be innovative and not over-the-top or boring.

Winner: Michael, Auf'd: Alison, My Fav: Laura
Okay, let me start off by calling shenanigans on this whole judging process. Vincent made a horrible dress, and to top it off the model could bearly walk in the darn thing. So why was Alison eliminated for making a dress that made the model look "fat?" Is looking "fat" in a dress worse than not being able to walk in it, ladies (and some men)?
I am starting to think that Vincent is the token "crazy guy." I think he also maybe a perv. He keep going on and on about how he "got off" when he saw his model walk in his dress. Just the image in my head causes me to shutter. This man cannot make it to the final three. In fact, he should not make it past the next three episodes.

Uli makes it in my top 3 favorites.
When I saw this dress on television I really loved it. But when the model walked on the runaway, it didn't have the same impact. Maybe it was the lighting, or the model, but the dress didn't look the same. I really thought she would win when I saw her design on the dress form.

Jeffrey's dress is made entirely from his own newspaper clippings.
Jeffrey is a douche. Laura made a good point, why is Jeffrey there if he is so good as a designer? To give him some credit, I like his garment which was created using a pastiche of magazines, cardboard and newspapers. The design was good but the blue and yellow color made it look less chic. If it were black and white, it probably would have won ... but he is still a douche.
Lastly, Michael has picked up his 2nd win. Congrats, because it was really unexpected. I thought Uli had it sewn up (pun!). Now he really has to screw up in order not to make it to the final 3. I loved his bustier, but not the dress so much. I think if he used actual fabrics I would have liked the garments more but he worked with what he was given.
There has been wild speculation regarding the sexuality of Michael. He proclaimed his heterosexuality in a interview on BravoTV website. I admit, I questioned his sexuality because I wasn't sure. Yes he is working in the fashion industry, but that doesn't make you gay. There were just some things that read "gay" to me. But he is not, so lets move on.
Next week: I don't know ... my TiVo cut off the last 3 minutes of the show.
Related Items:
Getting To Maybe - PR3 EP6 recap
Project Rungay Blog
The week's challenge was to create a garment with materials retrieved from a recycling facility. This challenge reminds me of the first challenge in season 1 where they had to make a garment using items purchased from a grocery store. You have to be innovative and not over-the-top or boring.

Okay, let me start off by calling shenanigans on this whole judging process. Vincent made a horrible dress, and to top it off the model could bearly walk in the darn thing. So why was Alison eliminated for making a dress that made the model look "fat?" Is looking "fat" in a dress worse than not being able to walk in it, ladies (and some men)?
I am starting to think that Vincent is the token "crazy guy." I think he also maybe a perv. He keep going on and on about how he "got off" when he saw his model walk in his dress. Just the image in my head causes me to shutter. This man cannot make it to the final three. In fact, he should not make it past the next three episodes.

When I saw this dress on television I really loved it. But when the model walked on the runaway, it didn't have the same impact. Maybe it was the lighting, or the model, but the dress didn't look the same. I really thought she would win when I saw her design on the dress form.

Jeffrey is a douche. Laura made a good point, why is Jeffrey there if he is so good as a designer? To give him some credit, I like his garment which was created using a pastiche of magazines, cardboard and newspapers. The design was good but the blue and yellow color made it look less chic. If it were black and white, it probably would have won ... but he is still a douche.
Lastly, Michael has picked up his 2nd win. Congrats, because it was really unexpected. I thought Uli had it sewn up (pun!). Now he really has to screw up in order not to make it to the final 3. I loved his bustier, but not the dress so much. I think if he used actual fabrics I would have liked the garments more but he worked with what he was given.
There has been wild speculation regarding the sexuality of Michael. He proclaimed his heterosexuality in a interview on BravoTV website. I admit, I questioned his sexuality because I wasn't sure. Yes he is working in the fashion industry, but that doesn't make you gay. There were just some things that read "gay" to me. But he is not, so lets move on.
Next week: I don't know ... my TiVo cut off the last 3 minutes of the show.
Related Items:
Getting To Maybe - PR3 EP6 recap
Project Rungay Blog
Labels: project runway, Project Runway 3
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