Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why People Lie? (Follow-up)

After posing this question over a week ago, I think I know the reason why people lie. I don't believe that lying is not black or white, there are many shades of gray.

There are people who lie to the people they care about in order to make them feel better or spare their feelings -- because at that moment we think we are doing the what is best for them. There are people who are just devious and lie to get what they want despite the damage they could cause to others. There are people who lie to themselves for whatever reason to block out the painful truth. And then there are people who lie to get themselves out of potential negative/hostile situations.

I am sure there are many other categories but these are the ones I could rationalize. I believe at some point everyone has fallen or will fall in each of these categories at some point in their life. I know that I have. But at the end of the day, you have to be culpable for your actions.

I am basing these assumptions on my own personal experiences, so your mileage may vary.

Does anyone have any alternate theories?


Here is a story I found interesting:
Will Smith reckons it's healthy to fancy other people when you're married and has no qualms telling his wife when he does.

The actor – who tied the knot with Jada Pinkett Smith 11 years ago – is determined to be honest about how he feels.

"Our perspective is, you don't avoid what's natural and you’re going to be attracted to people," Will explains.

"So sometimes we have the discussion: "Wow, this or that girl is freaking gorgeous". I'm not going to say anything to my buddies that's any different than what I say to my wife."

And Will, 39, reckons he'll tell Jada - and she'll tell him - if they ever feel the need to have sex with others. Read the rest here

This sort of ties into this post.


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