Netflix on TiVo

This past weekend I got a TiVo Fall Update, but I wasn't sure what it was supposed to contain. I've been hearing that Netflix would be coming with the update but after looking for the option, it wasn't to be found. After reading some tech blogs yesterday I found the option only to discover that the media servers were undergoing maintenance and it could be accessed. GRR!
This morning I tried to give it another go, and it successfully worked. I have been trying to use my Playstation 3 to play Netflix streaming movies, but having been successfully because of some changes made by Netflix to enable Apple computer users to access the streaming movies.
To test it out, I re-watched a portion of a documentary I saw over the weekend (Bigger Stronger Faster*) and was amazed by how good it looked. The picture quality is better than I thought it would be. I with some movies it is suppose to stream in HD, but haven't fully tested the new software.
I have now loaded up my Instant Queue on Netflix and I am ready roll. You may not hear from me for a while because I will be adding a new dent to my couch.
Comments on "Netflix on TiVo"
Congrats! Just please keep your movie reviews coming - they are really helpful.