Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why Are You Single?

Wichitan: "How old are you?"
Me: 29.
Wichitan: "Hmm. Why are you single?"
Me: I haven't found the a guy worth being in a relationship with.

I have been asked this question numerous times, but I usually would give my stock answer, "if I knew why I was single, then I would be in a relationship." It's true, but I would say it in a sarcastic/joking manner which would typically illicit laughter. I think this was the first time I have given an honest answer instead of deflecting. I've dated guys in 2008, but they all ended because I refused to see what in front of me, despite the glaring red flags. I seem to always trying to find the good in the person to counter-balance the bad that they do -- but no more. This past week, I have learned that you sometimes you have to just cut your losses and move on.

I am going to date a bit more this year, but i am not going to have any long-term expectations. For me, I think this is the best outlook when it comes to dating. I have met some people who were "interesting" in 2008 and I am looking not to repeat these same mistakes.

Here is to a interesting 2009!

Edited for grammar. I really shouldn't blog during late hours. :)


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