Movies: Mamma Mia! & The Dark Knight
Mamma Mia!:

Mamma Mia! is a movie that didn't really draw my attention when I saw the trailer. When I saw a clip of Pierce Bronson singing (bless his heart) on The Daily Show, I decided that the movie was not for me. Yesterday a group of people decided to go see it, and I tagged along. And I am glad that I did. The first 10 minutes of the movie were really frantic and nothing really made sense. As it progressed it was clear that I had to stop trying to make sense of the movie and just enjoy the camp-y ride. Acting was okay, the direction was a bit off, but the ABBA songs made up for what the movie was lacking. I would recommend this movie but you can't go in with any expectation (even if you saw the play). Just go to have fun.
The Dark Knight:

The Dark Knight was really good -- but to me the movie isn't about Batman or Bruce Wayne. The movie was squarely on the shoulders of the late Heath Ledger. His portrayal of The Joker was riveting and Aaron Eckhart did a great job as Harvey Dent/Two-Face. My only issue with the movie is Batman. Christian Bale is a great actor, but he is stuck in a suit for most of the movie. He is also doing this weird raspy voice which is a bit distracting. When Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne he has very little to do, almost as if he is a supporting character. With that said, I still enjoyed the movie.

Mamma Mia! is a movie that didn't really draw my attention when I saw the trailer. When I saw a clip of Pierce Bronson singing (bless his heart) on The Daily Show, I decided that the movie was not for me. Yesterday a group of people decided to go see it, and I tagged along. And I am glad that I did. The first 10 minutes of the movie were really frantic and nothing really made sense. As it progressed it was clear that I had to stop trying to make sense of the movie and just enjoy the camp-y ride. Acting was okay, the direction was a bit off, but the ABBA songs made up for what the movie was lacking. I would recommend this movie but you can't go in with any expectation (even if you saw the play). Just go to have fun.
The Dark Knight:

The Dark Knight was really good -- but to me the movie isn't about Batman or Bruce Wayne. The movie was squarely on the shoulders of the late Heath Ledger. His portrayal of The Joker was riveting and Aaron Eckhart did a great job as Harvey Dent/Two-Face. My only issue with the movie is Batman. Christian Bale is a great actor, but he is stuck in a suit for most of the movie. He is also doing this weird raspy voice which is a bit distracting. When Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne he has very little to do, almost as if he is a supporting character. With that said, I still enjoyed the movie.
Labels: movies
Comments on "Movies: Mamma Mia! & The Dark Knight"
Hey Killervirgo - I'd like to hear more about the psychology of Dark Knight. There has been a lot of discussion - even in the NYTimes (my paper of record) about Heath Ledger's performance ... and the NewYorker said some very interesting things ... What do you think? Is the movie too dark? What does an actor have to do to portray insanity (albeit of a very particular type) successfully? How do you access that within yourself - and then portray it on screen. I don't subscribe to the relationship between the movie and Ledger's unfortunate death. I am curious though about how you create that feeling in a movie - hope your week has started well!
The movie is much darker compared to the Joel Schumacher directed movies, but it as dark as it can be for a PG-13 movie. It's hard to say that Heath Ledger's performance would critiqued any differently if he was still alive. You immediately compare it to Jack Nicholson's Joker performance in Batman (1989), but the tones of the movies are completely different so it is hard to compare them. Great actors are those who seem they are not acting ... but you can't correlate his portrayal of this psychotic character to his untimely death.
kudos to the makers Dark Knight for their record breaking opening weekend... it's no wonder there's talk of another one coming out ASAP