Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Road Trip 2007: Day 1 (Carlsbad Caverns National Park)

I am currently on a 12 day road trip, but I plan on updating my blog daily with photos and stories from my journey. Places I will travel during my trip:

Carlsbad Caverns National Park (Carlsbad, NM)
White Sands National Monument (New Mexico)
California (San Diego and Los Angeles)
Las Vegas, Neveda
Grand Canyon Nation Park (Arizona)

... and other stops in between. This would be the farthest west I have ever traveled so I am extremely excited (and a bit nervous) to see other parts of the country. It should be a fun trip. I am with a friend of mine, and this would be our third road trip together. Our first road trip we ended up going to Provincetown, MA; and our second trip was my move from Buffalo, NY to Dallas, TX.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

From Carlsbad Cave...

We almost didn't make it to the caverns because we didn't leave our hotel until 4:20pm and the caverns closed at 5pm. We booked it to the park and got our tickets with a minute to spare. I got a bit sick in the car due to the increasing altitude, high speeds, and winding roads. The sickness passed and we got on an elevator and headed down 750 feet.

Seeing all of the stalactites, stalagmites and the pits which seem to lead nowhere was very interesting. Too bad that tour was somewhat ruined by the Rangers rushing people out because it was closing. But they were nice about rushing out of the caverns and gave us some additional views by turning off the lights.

If you are ever near the Carlsbad Caverns, it is a must see.

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Comments on "Road Trip 2007: Day 1 (Carlsbad Caverns National Park)"


Blogger Marius said ... (July 21, 2007 at 2:32:00 PM CDT) : 

Have a great time and be safe! I'm glad to hear that you're taking a break from work.


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