Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Won ... Nothing

Angry Puppy, one of my favorite vlogs from afterelton.com, mention me in the begin of their video. It is a vlog dedicated for a gay geeks. Enjoy!

I am sure my buddy Paul can appreciate the question I answered correctly. I trust his perspicacity wholeheartedly.


Comments on "I Won ... Nothing"


Blogger Paul said ... (August 19, 2008 at 4:54:00 PM CDT) : 

As I'm management now and don't have to worry about a strike, work-to-rule, slow down at my school, I will never have to say, "Only three synonyms? Oh no, I'm beginning to lose my perspicacity"

On another note entirely, how is it my name came up in the same blog post as the words "gay geeks" hmmm?


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