Monday, September 29, 2008

Pet Peeves: People With No Patience

I had someone send me an email to ask a question. I responded to the person within five minutes and I thought I gave them the answer that they need. Well during the five minutes this person, who I don't know well, contacted a mutual friend for my phone number and sent me a text message with the same question. I could understand if the matter was urgent, but it was just a inquiry which I could have responded to a day later with no harm done.

"Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius."
- Benjamin Disraeli


Comments on "Pet Peeves: People With No Patience"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (October 1, 2008 at 2:47:00 PM CDT) : 

We live in a world that demands immediate responses. Its a now kind of world.



Blogger Paul said ... (October 1, 2008 at 7:15:00 PM CDT) : 

I'm one of the guilty parties ... so maybe I shouldn't comment. But, in some ways, email and IM are like the phone and conversation - they demand a response right away - at least when they are opened ... you wouldn't let someone sit on the phone waiting for an answer ... But only in some ways.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (October 1, 2008 at 10:58:00 PM CDT) : 

I find that people in the world today always want the quick answer, always want the instant solution.

Good solutions, good answers, they all need time and planning. But no one has time these days to wait, so the world is a debacle of quick solutions that fail in the end. What ever happen to thorough planning?

If I were given an hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it. --Albert Einstein

Who's with me?


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