Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2007 Oscar Nominations

No surprise to me that Dreamgirls was not nominated for Best Actor (sorry Beyonce, but it wasn't going to happen), Best Picture or Best Director. Even though the movie was very enjoyable, it was far from the best picture. Jennifer Hudson got her nomination for Best Supporting Actress and should take home the award barring any kind of upset from Cate Blanchett. I am very happy that Eddie Murphy got his Best Supporting Actor nomination ... to bad Norbit will probably hurt his chance of winning. Three songs from the movie got nominated for Best Song but will probably not win because they are up against Randy Newman (for Cars) and Melissa Etheridge (for The Inconvenient Truth).

I am so glad that Little Miss Sunshine got recognized because it was in my top 5 best movies of the year. Abigail Bresil was a surprise for Best Supporting Actress, but she deserved the nomination. You know Dakota Fanning is pissed she didn't get nominated. Watch you back, Abigail.

And the biggest surprise to me is the Borat got nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay. Seriously!?!?! That's all I am going say about that.

I watched the nominations live this morning, and Selma Hayek was moved to tears that her friend Alejandro González Iñárritu got a Best Picture nomination. AWW! She cheered loudly when her lover friend Penelope Cruz was nominated for Best Actress. Homegirl better wear some waterproof mascara at the live show in case they win.

I still have to see four movies (The Departed, Notes on a Scandal, The Queen, and Babel) before making my predictions before the awards are handed out.

For all the nominations, click here.

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Comments on "2007 Oscar Nominations"


Blogger Marius said ... (January 23, 2007 at 2:53:00 PM CST) : 

At least Sacha Baron Cohen didn't get nominated for best actor, which is a huge relief. The big question is: what happened to "Children of Men?" I haven't seen the movie, but I've read good things about it.


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