Gadgetry: The Apple iPhone

The Apple iPhone has made its debut at the MacWorld Conference and I must have it. Okay, I don't really have to have it, but I would love to have it. The only bad thing is that it will only be available for Cingular customers in June. I don't like my current provider Sprint, but I like them more than Cingular. I wouldn't wish Cingular service on my worst enemy. The new iPhone will cost $499 for the 4Gb model, and $599 for the 8Gb model.
I will wait until the 2nd or 3rd generation before I buy an iPhone. Hopefully buy then there will be a Sprint version. In September I have a feeling that a new touch screen iPod will debut, so I will save my money for that.
iPhone may not be its official name since Apple is now being sued by Cisco because they own the name "iphone." They just could call it the [apple logo]phone and be done with it. But I guess they like iPhone better.
Labels: gadgets
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I'm back! :)