Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tennis League Night: 1/16/07

With below freezing temperatures, I was sure that the first night of my tennis league would be canceled. I was so sure I didn't bring my my gear. I called the tennis center just to confirm the cancellation only to be told that we were going to play despite the weather. That sucked. I had to drive all the way home, luckily it was against traffic. I got home and proceed to layer up:

  • 2 pairs of socks, thermal top and bottom, stripper pants (breakaway gym pants with snaps), tennis shirt, 7 year-old Old Navy polar fleece (the warmest sweater I have that doesn't restrict my movement).
The tennis center 30 minutes north of where I live. I usually go directly from work and it only takes me 5 minutes. While stopped at a traffic light, I reached in my tennis bag to retrieve my first aid kit containing my lip balm ... and I sliced my knuckle on my middle finger. Ironic, huh? Blood is pouring out and there is nothing I can do because the light just turned green. I finally arrived at the tennis center with blood covering my finger, and I dashed inside to use the restroom to attend to my wound. I washed off the blood, used some disinfectant and applied a bandage. I met my opponent and we began warming up.

Match Results: I won (6-3, 6-2)

We should have postponed the matches because the cold air affected the bounce of the ball and my strings. My left hand was the coldest part after the match since I used that part of my body the least. I was trying to end the match as soon as possible, and it took about 50 minutes to get the win.

Next week it will be much warmer (forcasted to be around 60 degrees) and I will be able to play without all the layers.


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