Thursday, January 18, 2007

Vegetable Soup for the Soul

The weather in Dallas was horrible yesterday. I was engrossed in watching the Australian Open matches on my TiVo that I neglected to check the local news for a weather and road report. I peered out of the window before leaving when I saw ... snow.

I turned on the news and saw that people were having a heck of a time driving on the roads. I called work to notify my supervisor that I will be coming a couple hours late to avoid the delays. But it mostly due to the crazy people on the road who choice to drive 60 mph on sheets of ice. So I curled up on my couched, and continued to watch tennis until about 10am before heading to work.

It took me 45 minutes to get to work instead of the normal 20. I got in the parking lot and it was deserted. About half of my department was not here, and during lunch the company decided to shutdown at 3pm. I went to the gym (which is in the lobby of our building), then to the grocery store to pickup a items, and back home to start my soup.

I like to make soup on cold days. I decided to make a Vegetable Soup from a recipe I saw on Good Eats a couple of years ago. An hour of chopping, mincing, and simmering ... I had some hot soup to enjoy. I enjoyed my soup and sandwich on the couch watching even more tennis. For dessert, I made Apple Crisp.

My Apple Crisp recipe:
    • 3 medium to large apples (any kind)
    • 1/4 cup of white sugar
    • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
    • 1/4 cup of AP flour
    • 1/4 cup of butter
    • Cinnamon (as much as you like)
    • lemon juice (half a lemon)
  • Peel and core you apples then slice them . Add lemon juice, cinnamon and white sugar to the apples and toss them. Place the coated apples in a greased baking dish. In separate bowl combine brown sugar, AP flour, and butter and blend with a fork. When combined fully sprinkle the mixture on the apples. Bake in a 400 degree for approx. 20 minutes or until golden brown.
I remember this recipe from like 7 year ago when a friend made it for me. It is very easy and it is very good. I will be eating this soup for a least a week because there is so much of eat, but I am not complaining. I only make it twice a year because it never gets cold enough in Dallas to warrant making soup. So until the temperature rises, I will be making soup.

Next week, I think will be making Bacon Lentil Soup.

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