What's Happening With Heroes?!?
Last year, I was totally into this show and I couldn't wait until the next episode aired. Since the show started the second half of the first season ... it is now very boring.
There has been no major developments, and it has basically turned into a soap opera. Granted, they introduced a couple of new characters, but to me it is not enough. The show is becoming incredibly predictable.
Last night they decided to answer the big question, who is the father of Claire? The ran the promo for the episode ad nauseam trying to titillate people to watch, but if are a fan of the show you knew it was Nathan Petrelli. The obvious giveaway was the class ring he wears. It is such a soap opera cliché. So the father of Claire (Nathan), who once captured by Claire adoptive father (glasses guy), is the brother of the guy who will save Claire from Sylar (Peter), who will probably blow up NYC unless he learns to control his powers. Okay ....

source: heroes-tv.com
If they showed more of Sendhil Ramamurthy, I wouldn't mind the all the soap opera antics. He was on The View yesterday, and he was looking really, really, REALLY good. It must have been all that soft lighting that makes Barbara Walters look half-human. PLEASE, show more of Sendhil Ramamurthy!!
The only good thing about last night's show as that you learned a bit more about Peter's powers. I thought his powers were like Rogue's from the X-Men, where he only temporarily possessed the powers of another Hero. But he seems to absorb each power as he comes into contact them and then has the ability to recall the power. He doesn't know how to control his powers so he beings to short circuit. I do find this interesting, but there are so many characters you can't become engrossed. I think a show like this should be only 13 episode so you can eliminate all the padding (i.e. Hiro's father trying to lure him back to Japan), and just keep it action packed.
So I will stick with this show until the end of the season with the hopes that it will get better. If not, I am canceling my TiVo season pass.
Which Hero Will Die? - Greg (power: ability to hear the thoughts of people)
Why He Will Die? - Because he is boring and his wife is a whore.
There has been no major developments, and it has basically turned into a soap opera. Granted, they introduced a couple of new characters, but to me it is not enough. The show is becoming incredibly predictable.
Last night they decided to answer the big question, who is the father of Claire? The ran the promo for the episode ad nauseam trying to titillate people to watch, but if are a fan of the show you knew it was Nathan Petrelli. The obvious giveaway was the class ring he wears. It is such a soap opera cliché. So the father of Claire (Nathan), who once captured by Claire adoptive father (glasses guy), is the brother of the guy who will save Claire from Sylar (Peter), who will probably blow up NYC unless he learns to control his powers. Okay ....

If they showed more of Sendhil Ramamurthy, I wouldn't mind the all the soap opera antics. He was on The View yesterday, and he was looking really, really, REALLY good. It must have been all that soft lighting that makes Barbara Walters look half-human. PLEASE, show more of Sendhil Ramamurthy!!
The only good thing about last night's show as that you learned a bit more about Peter's powers. I thought his powers were like Rogue's from the X-Men, where he only temporarily possessed the powers of another Hero. But he seems to absorb each power as he comes into contact them and then has the ability to recall the power. He doesn't know how to control his powers so he beings to short circuit. I do find this interesting, but there are so many characters you can't become engrossed. I think a show like this should be only 13 episode so you can eliminate all the padding (i.e. Hiro's father trying to lure him back to Japan), and just keep it action packed.
So I will stick with this show until the end of the season with the hopes that it will get better. If not, I am canceling my TiVo season pass.
Which Hero Will Die? - Greg (power: ability to hear the thoughts of people)
Why He Will Die? - Because he is boring and his wife is a whore.
Labels: television
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