Thursday, September 13, 2007

Phobia: HBO Bumper From 80s/90s

I don't know why but when I was a kid I was completely terrified of the HBO Special Feature bumper from the 80s/90s. When this came on I had to advert my eyes. The thing that scared me the most during this is when the "O" in HBO started flashing those multi-color rays.

I just found this online yesterday and I think it is technically beautiful considering that it was down before CGI.

I had a lot of phobias when I was younger, and I still have some now. But more on those in later posts.

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Comments on "Phobia: HBO Bumper From 80s/90s"


Blogger Marius said ... (September 14, 2007 at 10:56:00 PM CDT) : 

First Teen Witch and now this? I have fond memories of both. I remember the HBO feature, but my favorite part actually came just before the movie would actually start. I always loved hearing, "This movie is rated R."

Ah, great memories. :)


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