Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Project Runway 3 - Episode 9

Episode 9 – Couture Du Jour

We rejoin the designers in Paris after Angela was sent out on her rosette loving (and covered) butt. FYI ... Jean-Paul Gaultier was indeed the original guest judge in Paris, but his schedule didn't allow him to appear. This is according to Tim Gunn's ep8 podcast.

Winner: Jeffrey (first person win 2nd challenge with immunity), Auf’d: Vincent

I didn’t really love this challenge because it didn’t really allow to them to be creative because of the time constraints. If they would have had two days for the challenge, then I feel that we could have more couture type designs.


I love that Michael and Laura are friends and help each other out.

Ebony and Ivory, yall.

I think Laura is wearing a fake pregnant belly.

Tim tries not to catch crazy from Vincent has he slinks away.

Oh. No. He. Didn’t!

That garcon is about to catch a beat down.

Kayne est Stupide!

Laura’s collar needs some Cialis to get it stiff again.

You know, I have made fun of Vincent but he really didn’t deserve that crappy send off. There was some creative editing to make him seem like a pervert. He could well be, but he probably didn’t want to convey that in his exit interview.

"I did cash in my 401k and quit a job to be here. To let me roll the dice ... I like taking chances and I am sorry that I did. So thankful to Project Runway. It put me in a nice place, you know. I was just such a beautiful thing ..."

[Clearly from some other interview judging by the hair] "... it just got me off. I loved it!"

Next week: Laura is pissed, and she is not going to take it anymore.

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