Happy Boxing Day!
Today is the day to return all the horrible presents, and get something you actually want at a discount. I have to work so I can't get in on the action.
Is it wrong that I no longer feel connected to Christmas?
I remember a time when I eagerly looked forwarded to Christmas, mostly for gifts, but now I just take it as just another day. When I tell people that I planned on doing nothing for the holidays, I am often told that I have to "something." During the holidays I look forward to spending some quality time with my couch and watch DVDs or go to the movies. I also made plans to eat tons of pancakes, which I did:

When did Aunt Jemima start making Whole Wheat pancakes? I haven't made pancakes in years, so I am clearly out of the loop. They were delicious, and healthy.
A friend of mine called to check on me because I didn't have any plans. He seemed really concerned, like I was going to slash my wrist with a Christmas ornament. I assured him that everything was fine and I was in the middle of a DVD marathon.
I am back at work with a list of things to do before the end of the week. I will have another 4-day weekend and return to work on January 2nd, 2008. This week I have more things planned. I have a tennis tournament starting on Saturday, for which I am totally unprepared due to an injury sustained at the Houston tournament. So I am kind of nervous, but hope things will go in my favor.
The end of the year is approaching and I have a lot to catch up on, blog wise. Posts that need to be completed: Road Trip 2007 journal, my meeting with Pete Sampras, 2007 television season review. Hopefully the will be completed on or before the New Year.
Happy Holidays!!
Is it wrong that I no longer feel connected to Christmas?
I remember a time when I eagerly looked forwarded to Christmas, mostly for gifts, but now I just take it as just another day. When I tell people that I planned on doing nothing for the holidays, I am often told that I have to "something." During the holidays I look forward to spending some quality time with my couch and watch DVDs or go to the movies. I also made plans to eat tons of pancakes, which I did:

When did Aunt Jemima start making Whole Wheat pancakes? I haven't made pancakes in years, so I am clearly out of the loop. They were delicious, and healthy.
A friend of mine called to check on me because I didn't have any plans. He seemed really concerned, like I was going to slash my wrist with a Christmas ornament. I assured him that everything was fine and I was in the middle of a DVD marathon.
I am back at work with a list of things to do before the end of the week. I will have another 4-day weekend and return to work on January 2nd, 2008. This week I have more things planned. I have a tennis tournament starting on Saturday, for which I am totally unprepared due to an injury sustained at the Houston tournament. So I am kind of nervous, but hope things will go in my favor.
The end of the year is approaching and I have a lot to catch up on, blog wise. Posts that need to be completed: Road Trip 2007 journal, my meeting with Pete Sampras, 2007 television season review. Hopefully the will be completed on or before the New Year.
Happy Holidays!!
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