Project Runway 4: Episode 7
First, let me start by saying ....
[deep breath]

Jillian and I caught the vapors after the devastating aftermath of PR4 episode 7.

I need to lead with this because it hurts me so. The way they eliminate people from the show doesn't make sense to me. Kevin was auf'd because she designed looked "cheap" and aged his 17 year-old client; but you keep Christian, who treated his client like crap and blamed the faults of his design on her. This reminds me of when Jeffery made Angela's mother cry during the "Everyday Women" episode in season 3. So in the long run, the clients don't matter, the judges will decide if they like it or not. What is the point of having clients if they their opinions don't matter?
Kevin, you and your hairy chest will be missed. They may have pulled us apart, but at least I still have my screen captures:

See you at the reunion.

Create a prom dress
The challenge allowed the designers to get all nostalgic about their prom. Let's take a trip down memory lane while avoiding a head-on collision with sentimentality, shall we.
Kevin is Jersey boy, so he looked like this during his prom:

Very orange, but very handsome. Too bad he decided to get a nose job because he would be really smokin' hot today. He mentioned that during his prom he stole liquid from his parents and got drunk ... like most Jersey kids. Way to rat out a whole state, Kevin.
Kit must be from the same area as Gwen Stefani in Orange County:

How else would you explain her dramatic transformation? There is something in the water.
We have to travel back 30 years to see what Sweet P looked like:

It must have been some prom because she got all flustered thinking about it.

"I had a really great time at prom ... that's all I'll say."
Whore! LOL, just kidding.
Victorya intrigues me, mostly due to the fact that she rarely smiles.

For this episode she is about 8:1 on the "pensive to smile" ratio. But really I think this is all a game plan for her. When she saw that Christian was freaking out because he thought his design was tacky, she had this devilish grin:

If she had a long mustache, she totally would be twirling it around finger. But she gave one of the best quotes regarding her initial design:

not this quote 
"It really looked like something an Italian, older, divorcee would wear."
Really? Doesn't realized that market is booming because of The Sopranos, especially in New Jersey? She is screwed herself out of that market and MILLIONS of dollars. And besides, the high school girls would never wear something like that because they are pure class:

From the prom, to the pole.
Jillian is continuing her ode to fashions of 70's sitcoms. The last episode it was "Mork & Mindy":

this episode I am feeling "Rhoda" as her muse:

I hope the next episode she is inspired by "Good Times" and rock a JJ Evans style hat.

It would be DYN-O-MITE!

Winner: Victorya, Auf'd: Kevin (sniff), My Favs: Victorya and Sweet P
I couldn't decided on which was my favorite so I decided to pick both Victorya and Sweet P. I like how Victorya is a more modern prom dress, and Sweet P is more traditional but both are done well. Just imagine if they were designing for a ghetto prom:

Now that would be a challenge I would love to see.
When I saw Rami's design, I immediately thought of the first challenge because the designs look so similar.

During the entire season Rami has done 2 shirt dresses and 2 drape-y gowns. Is the his only aesthetic? The dress was nice, but it was totally wrong for a girl who is only 17 year-old, and to defend yourself by saying that you only make "sophisticated" garments makes you look like douche. When you client started the challenge she looked like a fetus (in a good way) with glass:

now she looks like woman in her 30s trapped in a loveless marriage with a rich man:

If this is your clientele, why aren't you famous yet? Do you know how many woman fit this demographic?
I really don't know how Ricky is still in the competition because I was sure he was going after hearing his back story about him being poor. Considering that his designs are consistently off in some way he will be going soon, but he brings the tears and has a good back story,

so as long as he keeps the tears flowing I am happy (+2 in the cry tally). I have a funny feeling he might make it to the end.
I think I figured out the editing foreshadowing:
sob story but little face time = safe
sob story and a constant presences in the episode = auf'd
I wish I could ban certain words/phrases from use by the judges. I would like to ban the following: boring, cheap, matronly, chic, mother of the bride, lady at lunch. They use them so often that these words/phrases don't have much value.
Tim Gunn should be on the judging panel. All the critiques he brings up during the design phrase ends up being used at judging. He can judge the methods used during construction of the garments. If the new season of Project Catwalk (link contains possible spoilers) put their mentor faux Tim Gunn, Ben de Lisi, on the judging panel then it's time Project Runway does the same thing. But he is probably too busy making a show that no one watches (Tim Gunn's Guide To Style), and working at Liz Claibourne. One can hope, though.

This episode made me love Nina Garcia. I love how she gives cocky designers a stern talking too; in season 2 she did the same thing to Santino.
I [heart] Nina

The client [heart] Nina, too. At this moment, Christian does not.
Ricky Cry Tally = 11
Read my PR4 episode 6 recap
[deep breath]

Jillian and I caught the vapors after the devastating aftermath of PR4 episode 7.

I need to lead with this because it hurts me so. The way they eliminate people from the show doesn't make sense to me. Kevin was auf'd because she designed looked "cheap" and aged his 17 year-old client; but you keep Christian, who treated his client like crap and blamed the faults of his design on her. This reminds me of when Jeffery made Angela's mother cry during the "Everyday Women" episode in season 3. So in the long run, the clients don't matter, the judges will decide if they like it or not. What is the point of having clients if they their opinions don't matter?
Kevin, you and your hairy chest will be missed. They may have pulled us apart, but at least I still have my screen captures:

See you at the reunion.

The challenge allowed the designers to get all nostalgic about their prom. Let's take a trip down memory lane while avoiding a head-on collision with sentimentality, shall we.
Kevin is Jersey boy, so he looked like this during his prom:

Very orange, but very handsome. Too bad he decided to get a nose job because he would be really smokin' hot today. He mentioned that during his prom he stole liquid from his parents and got drunk ... like most Jersey kids. Way to rat out a whole state, Kevin.
Kit must be from the same area as Gwen Stefani in Orange County:

How else would you explain her dramatic transformation? There is something in the water.
We have to travel back 30 years to see what Sweet P looked like:

It must have been some prom because she got all flustered thinking about it.

Whore! LOL, just kidding.
Victorya intrigues me, mostly due to the fact that she rarely smiles.

For this episode she is about 8:1 on the "pensive to smile" ratio. But really I think this is all a game plan for her. When she saw that Christian was freaking out because he thought his design was tacky, she had this devilish grin:

If she had a long mustache, she totally would be twirling it around finger. But she gave one of the best quotes regarding her initial design:

Really? Doesn't realized that market is booming because of The Sopranos, especially in New Jersey? She is screwed herself out of that market and MILLIONS of dollars. And besides, the high school girls would never wear something like that because they are pure class:

Jillian is continuing her ode to fashions of 70's sitcoms. The last episode it was "Mork & Mindy":

this episode I am feeling "Rhoda" as her muse:

I hope the next episode she is inspired by "Good Times" and rock a JJ Evans style hat.

It would be DYN-O-MITE!

I couldn't decided on which was my favorite so I decided to pick both Victorya and Sweet P. I like how Victorya is a more modern prom dress, and Sweet P is more traditional but both are done well. Just imagine if they were designing for a ghetto prom:

Now that would be a challenge I would love to see.
When I saw Rami's design, I immediately thought of the first challenge because the designs look so similar.

During the entire season Rami has done 2 shirt dresses and 2 drape-y gowns. Is the his only aesthetic? The dress was nice, but it was totally wrong for a girl who is only 17 year-old, and to defend yourself by saying that you only make "sophisticated" garments makes you look like douche. When you client started the challenge she looked like a fetus (in a good way) with glass:

now she looks like woman in her 30s trapped in a loveless marriage with a rich man:

If this is your clientele, why aren't you famous yet? Do you know how many woman fit this demographic?
I really don't know how Ricky is still in the competition because I was sure he was going after hearing his back story about him being poor. Considering that his designs are consistently off in some way he will be going soon, but he brings the tears and has a good back story,

so as long as he keeps the tears flowing I am happy (+2 in the cry tally). I have a funny feeling he might make it to the end.
I think I figured out the editing foreshadowing:
sob story but little face time = safe
sob story and a constant presences in the episode = auf'd
I wish I could ban certain words/phrases from use by the judges. I would like to ban the following: boring, cheap, matronly, chic, mother of the bride, lady at lunch. They use them so often that these words/phrases don't have much value.
Tim Gunn should be on the judging panel. All the critiques he brings up during the design phrase ends up being used at judging. He can judge the methods used during construction of the garments. If the new season of Project Catwalk (link contains possible spoilers) put their mentor faux Tim Gunn, Ben de Lisi, on the judging panel then it's time Project Runway does the same thing. But he is probably too busy making a show that no one watches (Tim Gunn's Guide To Style), and working at Liz Claibourne. One can hope, though.

This episode made me love Nina Garcia. I love how she gives cocky designers a stern talking too; in season 2 she did the same thing to Santino.
I [heart] Nina

The client [heart] Nina, too. At this moment, Christian does not.
Ricky Cry Tally = 11
Read my PR4 episode 6 recap
Labels: project runway, project runway 4
Comments on "Project Runway 4: Episode 7"
Terrific Post! I worry too that the judging becomes cliched ... maybe you can make some suggestions of new phrases that they could use to describe outfits ... instead of "mother of the bride", maybe it's "Scottsdale Retiree" ... I haven't yet seen an outfit I would look good in. "I remember my prom ...."
I just fell across this blog after a random search on Google, and I must say that I absolutely love it. I'm not much of a blog person, but the author's satirical yet loving description of Project Runway over the years reflects almost exactly how I have come to feel about the show and the designers/judges/etc. It's a great show, but has some shortcomings/disappointments (NO MORE KEVIN!!), which are fun to point out. Thank you very much for this blog, and I will keep reading!
THANK YOU for the shirtless Kevin pix!!
"From the prom, to the pole."
Just want to say: I don't think Kevin had a nose job. Teenagers often have bigger noses for their faces than they do once they are finished growing. This is true even if they haven't reached their full height.