Thursday, October 2, 2008


This past Sunday, I went to go see The Duchess (review coming shortly) with FM and is boyfriend IA. I sat next to IA and during the movie he leg made contact with mine, and I just thought it was an accident and didn't flinch. But usually when this happens the person who makes contact would say or make some type of gesture indicating that it was an accident. IA did not. Instead, he leg stayed against my for about 20 minutes, and during that time he was taping his leg which cause mine to move. Still ... I said nothing.

If this were a date, I would be all for leg contact -- but it made me a bit uneasy considering it was my friend's boyfriend.

With all that said, I don't think it meant anything. I think IA just doesn't have the same personal space issue that I do. I just found it interesting. After the movie we had dinner at Black-eye Pea and talked about the Presidential Debate and our uneasiness with V.P. nominee Sarah Palin.

This woman scares me, y'all. Tonight's debate should be interesting.


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