Wednesday, March 14, 2007

DST Is Killing ME

I wake up around seven in the morning for work. Before Daylight Savings Time (DST), the sun would be already out to greet me and it put me in the mood to jump out bed to get my day started. Now, it is pitch black until around 7:30 and I feel that I have to drag myself out of bed.

What genius signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to change the DST start and end dates? Oh. It was George Bush. Well ... now things make sense.

I thought this was supposed to help save energy. If I now have to turn on lights to see due to the lack of sunlight, doesn't that use use more energy? DST made sense before because the clocks were set one hour ahead AFTER the vernal equinox and we would have more sunlight in the morning as a result.

Also because of the change in DST, we has a mini Y2K. At work I am inundated with requests to fix computer clocks because the Windows Updates did not get processed properly.

But to bright side, I can play tennis in daylight longer.

It will take me about another week to get use to the time change. Could I have S.A.D.?


Comments on "DST Is Killing ME"


Blogger Marius said ... (March 14, 2007 at 9:44:00 PM CST) : 

Let's hope you don't have SAD.


Blogger Paul said ... (March 15, 2007 at 11:18:00 AM CST) : 

Today is 80 in Dallas - Here in Toronto it is just above freezing and cloudy and raining. If you have SAD, I think I'm depressed. Nevertheless, I hope you're feeling better -


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