Black Friday Came Early

This past Friday was a "secret" sale at Wal-mart. Secret is the operative word. Can you really have a secret sale if you are promoting it on television and in adverts? I found about this sale on and with the offer of an Toshiba HD DVD Player for $98.87, I knew I had to get one. Well the truth is that I got one 3 weeks prior from and it cost about $220, so I got this one so I can return the other back to Amazon.
The sale was suppose to start at 8 a.m. today so I decided it was best to get there 30 to 45 minutes beforehand. Luckily there is a Wal-mart two blocks from where I work so I wouldn't be too late arriving to working. On my way to the store I called my sister because she wanted to get a laptop for my nephew. I wasn't sure if people would be camped out for these deals, so I told her I would do my best to try and get one.
I finally arrive and the parking lot seemed a bit busy, so I rushed in the store to lay claim to my bounty. As I walk into the store, I saw a woman walking out with the HD DVD player I wanted. I asked if there any more in stock, to which she said "a few." I ran to the electronics department only to find no one there. There were two DVD players and 15 laptops left, so I grabbed one of each and made my way to the register. I also saw the new Sony Playstation 3 on sale, but I had no interest in that. The cashier rang up my sale while text messaging on his phone. Success. I called my sister to let her know that I got the laptop. I contemplated whether I should hit up another Wal-mart nearby for stock up on HD DVD players, but I decided against it because I didn't want to be late for work.
When I arrived to work, I stashed my bounty in the trunk of my car. I made sure no one was around so they wouldn't get any ideas before I made my way to my office.
7:50 a.m.
I managed to get to work ten minutes earlier on this busy morning when I am normally fifteen minutes late. To kill some time I began to skim the pages of Tennis magazine.
Socks. I forgot to get a pack of socks while at Wal-mart.
I knew I would forget something.
Labels: black friday, computers, gadgets, wal-mart
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