Project Runway Canada

How come I didn't know about there was a Canadian version of Project Runway until recently?
I been going through some major Project Runway withdrawal since PR3 ended last year. I tried to watch Project Catwalk (the UK version) to fill the void, but with Kelly Osbourne as the host, it made me miss Heidi Klum even more. So when I found Project Runway Canada on YouTube, I thought I found my temporary fix so I could make it to November 14th, when the original Project Runway premiers on Bravo. It didn't work out the way I planned.

PR Canada is hosted by Iman, which I thought would be awesome, but she seems too good for the show. I mean, she is a legendary model and she is married to David Bowie. Most hosts are 2nd tier models or C-list celebrities. I love the show because it basically a trashy reality show with people whom have a discernible skill, and Iman just make the show too high-class with her regality. Also, why in the hell is she hosting PR Canada anyway? Why not the UK version?
There were two people I kind of like:

They are both a bit bitchy, and in reality shows I like that. Marie is disappointed that no one else speaks French, and looks forward to swearing a lot in that language. Sacré bleu! Evan is handsome, despite the airbrush picture and the wacky haircut.
If the theme song with some woman wailing "...on the RUNWAY! Woah, woah, woah!" wasn't bad enough, the catch phrase they tried to create for Iman is worst.
"You just don't measure up. Chow."
could never top Heidi Klum's,
"In fashion, you're in or out. Aufwiedersehen."
A close second would be Project Catwalk's "fashion has no mercy" spiel.
If you are jones-ing for a Project Runway fix, you can check the Canadan version here:
PR Canada: Episode 1 (in 9 parts)
PR Canada: Episode 2 (in 6 parts)
Photo source: Project Runway Canada website
Edited: I just watched the second episode of PR Canada, and take back everything I said about it and Iman. Iman gives so much attitude to the designers, and I love her for that. No one is going to give her a load of BS. I am totally hooked on the show now.

Kendra is my favorite to win after seeing what she designed using 13 plaid umbrella (ella, ella -- Rihianna) fabrics.

They gave Kendra a underdog storyline in episode two, so I think she is going to win it all.
Labels: project runway, project runway canada
Comments on "Project Runway Canada"
You see! Canada is the place to be!
can i know where to download the PRCANADA theme song?