The Office

Like a lot of season finales, you have to sit through a bunch of crap until the last five minutes when a big reveal pulls you back in. For The Office, it was Jim realizing how he felt about Pam and asked her out on a date. They have been building this tension up for the last three seasons and they kissed for the finale of season 2. But could the coupling of Jim and Pam be happening a bit too soon? I think by series finale of The Office, they will breakup at least once before getting married. I will stick around for the next season to see how this progresses. But I don't think I will make through season 4 unless they alter the Michael character.

It is hard to believe that a guy this clueless can function in "normal" society. There have been glimpses of him being good at his job, but not enough to make him competent at managing others. Season 1 he was more awkward and trying to fit in with everyone; now he is just dominating and boorish. Maybe I have been spoiled by the original UK version of the show which made David Brent (who the Michael character is based upon) as a multi-dimensional character. Yes, he could be rude and make people uncomfortable but David Brent seemed remorseful afterwards because he realized what he did may have been rude. I don't know if it just Ricky Gervais' acting and writing abilities or just the British sensibilities of the show.
If Michael isn't reigned in a bit in the upcoming season, I may just have to stop watching.
HeroesI may be in the minority, but I didn't think the finale to heroes was all that great. I
stopped watching in February, but realized that I put too much time into this show to not see it through to the finale. I watch the seven episodes I missed the weekend before the finale and I feel that I wasted my time. The "Five Years Later" episode was by far the best episode of season one. Why couldn't that be the finale?

I mean, the final battle between Peter and Sylar was so lame. No powers were used and it was just Peter punching Sylar, with a little help from Nikki with a parking meter, until Sylar is stabbed by Hiro.

Sylar has all these powers, yet he stands there and watches Hiro run about 15 feet with a sword, and just stands there while it plunges into his chest. Really?

Sylar is dead(?) and Peter loses his ability to control his powers. Claire is suppose to kill him before he goes nuclear, but Nathan comes to save the day flies him up the atmosphere where is explodes.
Why couldn't Peter do this on his own? Can he not use more than one power at the same time? I am sure that Nathan did not perish during this and most likely flew away before Peter exploded. And Peter can regenerate, so I probably fine as well. Hiro on the other hand is in ancient Japan:

Is Sylar dead, or was he taken and eaten by someone more powerful than him? I guess we have to tune into volume 2 to find out.

I will watch next season to season exactly what happens, but I have a feeling that I will tune out by episode 5. There were far too many characters in this show to follow and too many episodes for this season. I there were 15 tight episodes instead of 23, I wouldn't have gotten bored and tuned out half way through. Hopefully they will work all the kinks out before the next season because this think this show has a lot of potential. My suggestion: get rid of most of this cast (keeping Hiro, Claire, and Peter) and introduce a new Heroes each season.
But that is just my opinion.
Brothers & Sisters

I thought the finale was done really well. It was kind of sad, but not a total downer. It was very fitting how they ended with the family having fun in the pool. The first episode ended with the father/husband having a heart attack and falling into the pool before dying, so its one of those full circle finales.

The most interesting moment of episode was the revelation about Saul. Saul was informed that his friend, Milo Peterman, whom he hadn't spoken to in years was coming to Kitty's (Calista Flockheart) engagement party. Before it was explicitly said, I knew Milo had some kind of romantic affair with Saul. How did I know?: Saul referred to Milo's ex-wife as a "bitch" (which is totally gay), Milo talk about their trip to the Florida Keys (homo central), and Milo asked if Saul was still a "bachelor." Milo came out to Saul, who unfortunately turned down his advances, claiming that he put his time with Milo in the past. Hopefully this will be explored further in the next season.

I think this was one of the best new show of the season. I didn't watch it when it first premiered. It was only when someone I know recommended the show I started to watch. Any show that can get Sally Field to cry at least once per episode is must see viewing. Add in a mistress, an illegitimate child, a junky Iraq war soldier, a philandering husband, and gayness ... and it is a hit show.
If you haven't seen the show, check it out on and watch the second season when it debuts in the fall.
Law and Order: SVU

The season 8 finale was the continuation of a storyline from season 7. Darius, played Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, murdered a woman and her child because he perceived the mother to be a terrible parent. It was revealed that his aunt, Detective Fin's (Ice T) ex-wife Teresa, played by Lisa Gay Hamilton, was actually his mother. It was a secret the family kept hidden for years. As payback, Darius was going to publicly humiliate them during his trial. Got all that? ... good.

Star "I'm a lawyer, who is also married to a gay man" Jones Reynolds and Nancy "Crazy Eyes and Bad Hair" Grace made guest appearances.

A lot of stuff was revealed: Teresa was raped by her father and forced to have Darius, Elliott's daughter was re-arrested after she was freed from jail for DUI he used his status as a cop to free her, Olivia was taking in for questioning after she help aid and abed her half-brother who was being investigated as a serial rapist. A lot o stuff happened this season.
This was the best moment of the episode:

She is the wife of Elliott Stabler, and just by this look alone I knew what was going to happen. I was like, "OMG, she is pregnant!" And she was. So any guys with wives or girlfriends ... if they come to your job unannounced with this look on their face, they're pregnant. Or they could be leaving you for someone else. Either way, it is not good news.

The next season should be interesting because they are adding a new character, Detective Chester Lake, played by Adam Beach. I didn't like him when he did a guest starring episode this past season, but maybe I will warm up to him.
The 2006-2007 TV season was pretty good overall.
I added a few new shows to the regular television viewing schedule: 30 Rock (NBC), Dexter (Showtime), Ugly Betty (ABC), and The View (ABC).
I also lost a few shows this season: The View (because Rosie left early), Desperate Housewives (ABC), Smallville (CW) and Lost (ABC).
I am looking forward to see The Bionic Woman (NBC) during the 2007 - 2008 and the return of Project Runway (Bravo). All the show are in reruns because it is summer, so I guess I will be spending more time outside instead of sitting on my couch.
Yeah right! Big Brother is starting in July, so I will be glued to the show and all of the Internet gossip surrounding it. But unfortunately, there will be no

He was a stupid Big Brother contestant, but he sure was great eye candy.
Labels: big brother, brothers and sisters, heroes, law and order: svu, television, the office, ugly betty