So this is what I got myself to lift my spirits after the accident. But it was an ordeal just get the darn thing.
I got it on 1/21/07 on the tip that most of the retail stores were hoarding the new Nintendo Wii since Christmas. I was determined to get one.
I was up at 5:30am and I headed the the Target about .5 miles from my house. I got there and no one was around. I waited for 15 minutes and decided to head to Best Buy. I got to Best Buy and there were 3 people that have been there since midnight and were sleeping in their car. The only reason I went to Target is that they opened at 7am and Best Buy opened at 11am. I told the people waiting that Target should have some and they opened 4 hours earlier.

I headed back to Target and I was the only person there waiting for a Wii. Around 6:30am another car arrived and we waited in front of the store. Ten minutes before the store was due to open, the manager walked in and I asked if they were selling the Wii. He checked out the information, and regretfully informed me that no Targets in the area were selling the Wii. I was tired and I figured it was too late to go back to Best Buy because the line would be too long. During the car ride back home I changed my mind and decided to head to Best Buy. I grabbed some snacks, water, my laptop with DVDs and hauled it over to Best Buy.
When I arrived at 7:45am, I saw that there were only 10 or so people in line. It was chilly outside so I wore thermal underwear and my thick University at Buffalo sweater. I was quite warm. I found a place in the back of the line and got comfortable. Tickets weren't being handed out until 10am so I watch "Strangers With Candy" for the tenth time and listened to my iPod. When the ticket were handed out at 10am, I was number 13 and there were 48 units at this particular Best Buy. But the wait wasn't over ... we still had to wait outside until 11am. I stayed in line because the store only had 20 extra remotes and nunchuck controllers even thought I was guaranteed a Wii.
At 11am, the rush started.

Actually, it was pretty well organized. No one cut the line, and everyone remained calm. I didn't want to have to cut a bitch in a Best Buy if they tired to get ahead of me, so it was good all around. I got my extra remote, nunchuck controller, and Zelda game and headed to the register. I was in and out of the store in 10 minutes. I like to get what I want and get the hell out.
So that is now I got my Wii. I haven't had much time to play it but when I did play, it was for a couple of hours each time. I got it because I figured if I got tired of it I could always sell it on eBay. It will be sold out until May or June so someone will be looking to buy one before then.
Randomness: There was this queen (read: gay guy) who drove up to some of us waiting in line around 10:30am and asked if were in line for the Wii. We said we were, and he countered with:
"Y'all are standing in line for hours for a video game. Life is too short for that."
The funny thing was he was looking to get the Wii as well, but since he was too lazy to get in line he decided to demean us?
What the cock was that all about!
I will post a picture of my Mii when I get the chance.
Labels: gadgets, Random, wii